Tuesday, March 25, 2014

FUNBOOTH. The perfect alternative to traditional family pictures.

I get it.  Getting family pictures can be super stressful.  Finding the right clothes.  Getting everyone ready.  Finding a location.  Getting there on time.  Making sure the kids don't still have ketchup on their face.  Trying to act calm and happy while your kids are being terrors.  

I get it.  Trust me.  I do.  

But.  Family pictures are SO important.  So so important.  One of those things you'll always be glad you have and never regret that you did.

I also realize sometimes the stress is too much.  Too overwhelming.  And you have a kid that simply will NOT cooperate during family pictures.  So you just never get them done.  Even though you want to.

Which is why I came up with Funbooth sessions.

They're fun.  They're FAST.  They're easy.  And they work for kids with all different types of personalities.

The point is to be casual.  Crazy.  Fun.  Like a photobooth.  

Low stress.  No weather elements.  Sessions only take about 25 minutes.  And you end up with a bunch of photographs with your family, your kids, and their personalities.

I'm doing a Funbooth sale during the month of April.  Book a funbooth shoot in April for only $150 (normally $225).  That includes the session fee as well as a disc with about 50 images in color AND black and white and a print release to make whatever prints you want.

Here are some samples of a session I did recently.

And here are a few I did with my own little family.  We did these on a whim on a Sunday afternoon.  We just wore the clothes we already had on.  Simple.  Easy.  These are my favorite sessions to do with my own kids.  The pictures I am in were taken by my husband.  I know he'll want proper photo credit.  :)

Here's how I displayed them in my own home.  This is the first thing people see when people walk into my house.  And people LOVE IT!!  So do I.

Maybe I should have moved the vacuum.  Oh well.  Not taking it again.  :)

So if you've been feeling guilty (or better yet, excited) about getting family pictures but haven't done them for awhile, this is a great option.

Or, if you get family pictures regularly (GOOD FOR YOU) this may be a good alternative to change things up a little bit.

To book a Funbooth session, e-mail me at ltross17@yahoo.com

Sale runs until April 30th, 2014!

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