Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Great gifts for the photographer in your life

Need some ideas on gifts for the photographer in your life?

Here are a few that would probably make them love you.

1. If they just have a point and shoot or are using their smart phone for pictures, consider getting them a dSLR camera.  It will be the BEST investment your family ever makes.  I promise that.  Well, unless you buy a speed boat.  Then that would be the best investment.  But a camera would be second.  Read here on what kind of camera I recommend.

2. 50mm 1.8 lens or if you really want to go all out, a 50mm 1.4 lens.  Click HERE for an explanation on why these lenses are a MUST have for every photographer.  These are anywhere from $100 to $350.

3. A camera coat.  To keep that camera safe when you don't want to lug around a huge camera bag because you're already carrying a million other things (diaper bag, purse, kid, blankie, etc., etc.).  Put one of these babies on your camera and you can put it in your diaper bag, stroller, purse and not have to worry about it getting hurt.

photo credit: Camera Coats

4. More SD cards for their camera.  I fill my cards up all the time.  It's nice to have extra ones on hand.  I recommend not buying anything bigger than 4.0 GB just in case the card fails.  Then you don't lose AS many pictures.

5. Speaking of losing pictures.  If you aren't already backing up your photos, you should be.  Buy an external hard drive and maybe consider backing up online as well.  Funny how when you ask people if there were a fire in their house, what they would grab.  99% of people would say their photographs.  I have no idea what the other 1% would say.  (And I completely made up that statistic.  But I think most statistics are probably made up so it's ok.)
Which to me indicates photographs are one of the very most important things in our home.  And yet, some of us aren't backing them up.

6. Buy or make them a custom photo strap.  Just google camera strap and tons of options come up.  There are also some options to get a camera coat with a matching strap.  Or you can find them on Etsy.

7. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.  This is the book I read to teach myself how to shoot in manual.  It's great for understanding all those terms that seem so confusing.

8. A portable tripod.  These just screw into the bottom of your camera so you can take pictures anywhere. AND, so the mom can stay in the picture!!!

9. Project Life for displaying all the photos they take.  This is my newest obsession and an amazing solution to getting all of those photos off of our computers and sharing them with others.  You can use 40% off coupons on Michaels or Hobby Lobby to get all the supplies.  Seriously, these are AWESOME!!!  I'll be posting more about Project Life and my mission to help people get their photos off their dang computers and out where people can see them!!

10.  A gift certificate to a  "Tell My Story" photography class.  This class is unlike any other photography class out there.  Not only do you learn how to use your camera, but you learn WHY it's so important to take photographs or our children and our lives.  HOW to take more meaningful, intentional, and emotional photos.  And what type of pictures we should be taking of our everyday lives.  It's a full day packed with tons of information.

And for some fun, quirky photo ideas, check out Photo Jojo.

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